New Association member for bloxberg: AGAP Institute
We are delighted to announce the newest member of the bloxberg Association: Welcome AGAP Institute! The Joint Research Unit AGAP Institute is under the supervision of three research and higher education organizations: INRAE, CIRAD, Université de Montpellier, and Institut Agro Montpellier.
In order to take up the challenges facing Mediterranean and tropical agriculture, the AGAP Institute seeks to combine a wide diversity of skills, approaches, and resources for cultivated plants that are better suited to diverse agrosystems. The AGAP Institute employs 400 people, including 300 permanent staff. Half are senior scientists, and the Unit hosts PhD students and researchers, especially from the South. The AGAP Institute is organized into scientific teams and is also involved in platforms. This overall setup results in multiple exchanges between scientists, technical laboratory facilities, field resources, and collections of genetic resources. It is part of the Labex Agro (Agropolis) local network.
The AGAP Institute is the first French institution to join bloxberg. Cédric Goby on AGAP’s membership: “AGAP Institute truly believes that blockchain is a game changer for data management and beyond. Indeed, verifying data and sources is a huge benefit for science. bloxberg, as a shared and immutable ledger, will allow us to record transactions and track our data. Our goal is to develop services and smart contracts for public research. We plan to share our work using open-source licenses to promote blockchain and bloxberg use. We are also very excited to learn and exchange with other bloxberg members.”