

The Max Planck Society initiated, together with eleven other research organizations from ten different countries (see bloxberg founders), the international decentralized bloxberg blockchain at the beginning of 2019. All twelve institutions saw the potential of the groundbreaking possibilities and the enormous potential of a genuinely decentralized global infrastructure for the future of science.
When the initiator of bloxberg, the Max Planck Digital Library, entered the field of blockchain, they only wanted to solve the problem of “timestamps for research data, whenever and wherever” for the scientists of the Max Planck Society. Due to the lack of finding an existing suitable blockchain solution, they decided to establish an utterly novel blockchain run by scientists for science to avoid influence from commercial entities in a direction that conflicts with the goals of science. The goal was to create a scientific blockchain that meets the expectations of the scientific community, such as ratability, continuity, performance, independence from commercial interests, and reputation.

The story goes that after three days of intensive, controversial, and constructive discussions, while snowed in at castle Ringberg in the Bavarian Alps, the bloxberg founders passed the bloxberg whitepaper 1.0 in February 2019, with the governance rules and the infrastructure specification of the bloxberg blockchain, constituting the genesis of bloxberg.