
News & Press

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Exploring Decentralized Science with Friederike Kleinfercher

Exploring Decentralized Science with Friederike Kleinfercher

July 16, 2024
BlockSplit 5 – Web3 Conference in the heart of the Mediterranean [English]

In the realm of blockchain technologies, DeSci emerges as a groundbreaking frontier, promising the web3 paradigm shift in the world of science and academia. Decentralized Science, represents a novel approach…

bloxberg sichert Forschungsdaten mit Blockchain

bloxberg sichert Forschungsdaten mit Blockchain

April 18, 2024
Süddeutsche Zeitung [German]

Sandra Vengadasalam und Friederike Kleinfercher, Initiatoren der bloxberg-Vereinigung, diskutieren, wie Blockchain-Technologie Forschungsdaten vor Fälschung, Diebstahl und unautorisierte KI-Datenerzeugung schützen kann, um wissenschaftliche Integrität zu sichern.

Bloxberg: Wissenschaft auf der Blockchain!

Bloxberg: Wissenschaft auf der Blockchain!

January 4, 2024

Im vergangenen Jahr tagten in Belgrad zum sechsten Mal die Mitglieder des bloxberg-Vereins (Bild: Logo) zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Blockchain e.V. (The bloxberg Association for the Advancement of Science…

Mammutprojekt bloxberg: Eine Blockchain, die Wissen schafft

Mammutprojekt bloxberg: Eine Blockchain, die Wissen schafft

December 22, 2023
BTC-ECHO [German]

Über 50 Wissenschaftsbetriebe weltweit, 18.000 Zertifikate, eine Blockchain. BTC-ECHO sprach mit den Gründerinnen von bloxberg über Chancen von Dezentralität für die Forschung.

bloxberg ist kein Hexenwerk

bloxberg ist kein Hexenwerk

December 11, 2023
Tagesspiegel Background [German]

Bloxberg ist kein Hexenwerk, sondern eine dezentrale Blockchain-Anwendung für die Wissenschaft. Eine Macherin dahinter ist Sandra Vengadasalam von der der Max Planck Digital Library.

Sixth bloxberg Summit: research institutions in Belgrade for transparent, efficient, and secure international collaboration in science

October 30, 2023

Munich/Belgrade, 30.10.2023: On 26-27 October, the members of the bloxberg Association for the Advancement of Science and Blockchain e.V. met in Belgrade for the sixth time. During the summit, Max…

New Association Member: University of Bremen joins bloxberg

New Association Member: University of Bremen joins bloxberg

October 25, 2023

We are delighted to welcome the University of Bremen as the newest member of the bloxberg association. Led by Professor Boris Nachtsheim, the university’s commitment to advancing decentralized and transparent…

Sixth bloxberg Summit hosted by the Faculty of Organizational Sciences (FON) in Belgrade

Sixth bloxberg Summit hosted by the Faculty of Organizational Sciences (FON) in Belgrade

October 20, 2023

In a significant stride towards advancing the frontiers of decentralized science, the Faculty of Organizational Sciences (FON), an esteemed cornerstone of the bloxberg community, will host the sixth bloxberg Summit…

CECIIS 2023 Dubrovnik ponovno domaćin FOI-jeve znanstvene konferencije

CECIIS 2023 Dubrovnik ponovno domaćin FOI-jeve znanstvene konferencije

September 19, 2023
Varaždinske vijesti [Croatian]

New Association member for bloxberg: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná

New Association member for bloxberg: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná

September 18, 2023

We are thrilled to welcome Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR) Campus Curitiba, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Ricardo Fernandes da Silva, Director do PCT-CT, into the bloxberg network….

DIGITAL HUMAN tema je jedne od najznačajnijih međunarodnih znanstvenih konferencija koja u rujnu stiže u Dubrovnik

DIGITAL HUMAN tema je jedne od najznačajnijih međunarodnih znanstvenih konferencija koja u rujnu stiže u Dubrovnik

September 12, 2023
Zagorje International [Croatian, Hrvatski]

New association member Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, IRCELYON

New association member Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, IRCELYON

September 7, 2023

We are pleased to welcome the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Institute for Research on Catalysis and the Environment of Lyon (IRCELYON) as the newest member of the bloxberg Association: Welcome…

August 16, 2023
BTC-ECHO [German]

MPDL @ Festival of the Future

MPDL @ Festival of the Future

July 11, 2023
MPDL Website [English]

bloxberg @ NFDI InfraTalk: learn the benefits of certifying Research Data on a blockchain

bloxberg @ NFDI InfraTalk: learn the benefits of certifying Research Data on a blockchain

July 5, 2023
MPDL Website [English]

TU Chemnitz ist der Bloxberg-Initiative beigetreten

TU Chemnitz ist der Bloxberg-Initiative beigetreten

June 22, 2023
TU Chemnitz [German]

The bloxberg Blockchain will Power, a Revolutionary Publication Marketplace

The bloxberg Blockchain will Power, a Revolutionary Publication Marketplace

May 2, 2023
Max Planck Digital Library [English]

New association member University of Split

New association member University of Split

April 17, 2023

We are pleased to welcome the University of Split, Faculty of Economics, Business, and Tourism (FEBT) as the newest member of the bloxberg Association: Welcome University of Split! The Faculty of…

The Blockchain Revolution in Science: DApps, DAOs & NFTs for a Smarter Future

The Blockchain Revolution in Science: DApps, DAOs & NFTs for a Smarter Future

March 16, 2023
Medium [English]

Die Blockchain und die Wissenschaft: Kommt da zusammen, was zusammen gehört?

Die Blockchain und die Wissenschaft: Kommt da zusammen, was zusammen gehört?

March 12, 2023 [German]