Sixth bloxberg Summit hosted by the Faculty of Organizational Sciences (FON) in Belgrade

In a significant stride towards advancing the frontiers of decentralized science, the Faculty of Organizational Sciences (FON), an esteemed cornerstone of the bloxberg community, will host the sixth bloxberg Summit this year. This distinguished event, exclusively tailored for delegates from research organizations worldwide and engaged third parties, embodies a collective endeavor to push the boundaries of scientific applications through the power of blockchain technology.

For the first time this year, the Summit extends a warm invitation to the broad public, offering a rare opportunity to partake in blockchain and decentralized science intellectual exchanges. On day two, visitors will have the chance to engage with prominent industry leaders such as Wolfram Alpha, Ethernity Cloud, and ScieNFT, among other distinguished entities.

The Faculty of Organizational Sciences (FON) stands as a stalwart supporter of bloxberg’s overarching mission. Their pivotal role as stewards of the bloxberg Association exemplifies a resolute commitment to the ongoing evolution of this decentralized blockchain and its myriad applications in science.

Professor Aleksandar Markovic plays a pivotal role in overseeing the bloxberg blockchain node hosted at FON, spearheading various initiatives within the institution related to bloxberg. With fervor for blockchain technology, Prof. Markovic embraces the responsibility of managing the bloxberg node. He also encourages students and teaching staff to actively engage in bloxberg application development, cultivating a collaborative environment. Prof. Markovic’s leadership champions blockchain innovation and motivates the academic community at FON to fervently explore the boundless possibilities that the bloxberg ecosystem presents, effectively bridging the realms of education and blockchain technology.