
Day 2 DESCI for Sustainability Conference

Day 2 of the bloxberg Summit 2024, 18 October 2024


Meet the scientific blockchain bloxberg and join us for a series of informative workshops exploring practical blockchain applications for good:

[Agenda subject to change]

9:30 Registration and Coffee

10:00 Welcome by the Republic and State of Geneva

10:20 Certification of Research Data

The bloxberg certification DAPP

Maggot software and more specifically the implementation of the bloxberg certification API in this software to certify datasets

10:30 Micro-credentials

Micro-credentials and ILO’s Strategy on skills and lifelong learning

Micro-credentials – the inclusive future of academic and non-academic credentials? Opportunities and challenges of introducing micro-credentials

12:15 A Decentralized Certification Protocol. Wakweli Usecase

12:45 Lunch

13:30 Certification of Academic Credentials

Certified digital credentials: A review on current approaches based on verified credentials, blockchain and qualified electronic seals

Discussion: What approach should be taken? Who should control academic credentials?

13:45 Privacy and Blockchain

Privacy and Credentials

A different approach to decentralised certification and verification: Obliviously Managed Transactions for Privacy and Compliance

14:15 Break

14:35 Blockchain in International Geneva and Geneva Startups

Blockchain use cases in international Geneva and Geneva Startups

Swiss Dairy Supply Chain Tracking and Analytics

Decentralised nature-positive verification at the service of nature capital. Usecase SYKS

A blockchain-based approach to a centuries-old issue in the diamond industry. Usecase Mazalis

How can we connect the silos? How can we better connect the academic community, the blockchain community, NGOs and International Organisations?

16:00 Closing