ARTiFACTS Smart Contracts Now Processing on the Max Planck Society bloxberg Trusted Research Infrastructure

Scientists Benefit from ARTiFACTS and bloxberg Interoperability

Cambridge, Mass. USA and München, Germany –September 3, 2019 –  ARTiFACTS and the Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) announced today ARTiFACTS is the first partner organization now registering transactions on the bloxberg distributed ledger. Using Smart Contracts to establish the proof-of-existence and citation actions of scientists provides a permanent, valid, and immutable chain of record in real-time. Maintaining the provenance of research contributions and acknowledgments creates stronger incentives for scientists to share their work, enabling them to receive recognition for their contributions and security for their intellectual property. The interoperability of ARTiFACTS and bloxberg offers researchers control over when their works are shared and with whom, both pre-publication and upon publishing their findings.

It is universally recognized that sharing research findings earlier in the research process will accelerate discoveries. Working with the Max Planck Digital Library, a central unit of the Max Planck Society (MPS) that supports thousands of scientists in their publication and research data management efforts, both teams are collaborating to advance the effectiveness of blockchain-based solutions for improving scholarly research and communication.

“Enabling researchers to receive recognition for all of their scientific contributions in a secure, reliable and efficient way is our primary mission,” said ARTiFACTS President and Co-Founder, Dave Kochalko. “The ARTiFACTS team is proud to be providing innovative research solutions for the Max Planck community on this trusted infrastructure.”

“The progress from our collaboration with ARTiFACTS is gratifying,” said Sandra Vengadasalam, Head of the Digital Labs Department of the Max Planck Digital Library. “We are continuing to pursue innovation such as this which advances the communication of science and research conducted by our institutes.”



ARTiFACTS, creators of the world’s first blockchain-based collaboration and attribution platform for scholarly research, provides a user-friendly platform, purpose-built for academic and scientific research that leverages blockchain technology. Researchers can record a valid and immutable chain of records in real-time, from the earliest stages of research for all research artifacts, including citing/attribution transactions. ARTiFACTS Smart Contracts with customized bibliographic metadata enable performance of transactions made by researchers on the bloxberg trusted infrastructure.  While today’s digital scholarship creates linkages among a narrowed subset of indexed publications long after discoveries are made, ARTiFACTS focuses on capturing and linking knowledge from its initial ideation throughout the research process to informal and formal dissemination. By using the ARTiFACTS platform, researchers will be able to immutably prove ownership and existence of work, expand access to their research artifacts, provide and receive real-time attribution for novel work and more comprehensively, and rapidly build and demonstrate their body of scholarly contributions.

To learn more, visit ARTiFACTS and follow them on Twitter @ARTiFACTS_ai!


About the Max Planck Society

The Max Planck Society conducts basic research in the natural sciences, life science, and humanities. The 84 Max Planck Institutes and 17 Max Planck Centers internationally focus on research fields that are innovative and address forward-looking scientific questions. The Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) is a central unit of the Max Planck Society that supports scientists with a broad portfolio of services in the fields of information provision, publication support, and research data management.  With its Digital Labs department, MPDL ensures a constant pipeline of new technologies to provide innovative and sustainable services and tools for all Max Planck researchers.