University of West Attica becomes a bloxberg Consortium Member
We are very happy about the newest addition to the bloxberg Consortium: The University of West Attica (UniWA) was founded as the result of merging two Technological Institutes of the country. UniWA currently has 5 Schools and 26 Departments, constituting the third biggest university in Greece in terms of enrolled students.
CoNSeRT (COmputer Networks & SErvices Research laboraTory) was established in 2018, initially as a research team, part of the Communications & Networks Lab of the Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department of the University of West Attica (UniWA). The achievements and success of the research team have led to its evolution to a research laboratory, established in April 2019. Its main objectives include research and teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, the establishment of appropriate infrastructures, participation in research programs, provision of services, and interconnecting with social, scientific, and productive organizations on subjects related to the research focus of the Lab.
Blockchain is one of CoNSeRT’s recent research areas with special interest lying with its interconnection with other technologies and systems, e.g., IoT (e.g., Decentralized Identifiers), Machine and Federated learning, and 5G infrastructures. “At the same time, everyone in CoNSeRT is extremely glad to support and share bloxberg’s vision on applying decentralized services for scientific and research purposes using a modern Blockchain infrastructure”, says Dimitris Kogias, a senior researcher at CoNSeRT.
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